
Thank you for visiting my website!

As you may have deduced, I am an artist! I went to Eastern Washington University and University of Idaho where I developed my art and creative thinking skills. I started out as a painter, dabbled in photography, swam in some digital making, rolled around in a field of printmaking and most recently have been on journey through existential adversity which has resulted in a bit of creative hibernation. Every so often I poke my head outside my den to smell the air and eat some berries.

At present I am eating some ice and thinking about how the little bear cub in my belly can hear the sound being transferred through my body and all the other bodily sounds he gets to listen to as he awaits his emergence into this world. It makes me think of primordial swamps where some of the earliest life forms likely heard (or felt through vibration) similar gurglings as they too were developing into more complex life forms.


Email: ashraevaughn@gmail.com

Instagram: @thingsthatare